Rojen je bil v Nigeriji, odraščal je v Angliji, kot dokumentarni fotograf živi in dela v Brightonu in Kabulu. Za svoje delo je prejel številne nagrade (npr. World Press Photo, Sony WPA, Rencontres d’Arles, European Publishers Award), izdal je 4 fotografske monografije, objavlja v številnih prestižnih publikacijah in njegove fotografije so del številnih muzejskih kolekcij. »Strasten, inteligenten in političen; ni ga v fotografiji, ki bi delal s takšno vizijo in jasnostjo,« so o njem zapisali v eni izmed kritik. Na seznamu 55 najboljših fotografov vseh časov ga najdemo na 44. mestu; za njim se uvrščajo npr. Martin Parr, Man Ray, Sebastiao Salgado, Alfred Stieglitz itd.
Več na spletni strani in pod oznako #simonnorfolkstudio
Former teahouse next to the wreckage of the old, Soviet-era ‘Afghan Exhibition of Economic and Social Achievments’ in Kabul. Balloons were illegal under the Taliban. Dec 2001.
I was astonished that this picture and this project was so successful. There were more than 30 solo shows of the work, from Texas to Guernsey and it was still touring in 2010. My most well known picture, I thought it was OK to make the edit, it was my publisher Dewi Lewis who spotted it and elevated it to the cover of the book.
Climate change and the melting of the Lewis Glacier on Mount Kenya.
The flame line shows the Lewis Glacier’s location in 1987.
The glacier has since receded about 120m. The pond is called the Curling Pond. In 1987 it’s surface was 15m higher than presently and the back wall of the pond was a tall wall of ice – the glacier’s snout.
The rounded peak is Point Thomson.
Climate change and the melting of the Lewis Glacier on Mount Kenya.
The flame line shows the Lewis Glacier’s location in 1963, the year I was born. A long finger of ice extended over the ridge and down into the gully. The glacier has since receded about 275m. At that time, the small hut – a basic climber’s refuge – on the left called Top Hut or Firmin Hut existed. The larger hut with the lights on is Austrian Hut (where I lived) which wasn’t built until 1972, by the Österreichischer Alpenverein (the Austrian Alpine Club). The hut to the right is the modern toilet block. The facilities now all belong to the Kenya Wildlife Service.
The spire in the picture is Thomson’s Flake and the rounded peak is Point Thomson. To the right is Point Lenana.
Climate change and the melting of the Lewis Glacier on Mount Kenya.
The flame line shows the Lewis Glacier’s location in 1934. The glacier has since receded about 275m. In 1934 it carried on almost to the top of the peak on the right and covered the left side of the picture as high as the break in the scree slope, just below the vertical ‘wall’ that leads to the summit.
The rounded peak on the left is Point Thomson. To the right is Point Lenana.
Climate change and the melting of the Lewis Glacier on Mount Kenya.
The flame line shows the Lewis Glacier’s location in 2004. This part of the glacier is quite stable, even so the front of the glacier has since receded about 22m.
The flame line shows the Lewis Glacier’s location in 1934. It has since receded about 200m.
On Feb 10th 1960, Siegmund Straubinger (possibly a German climber) was killed on the mountain and buried by his colleagues. At that time Kenyan porters weren’t used, so they would not have been able to remove the corpse, instead preferring to bury in situ.
The tiny footprints in the picture are my wanderings.
The work was acquired by the National Gallery of Art in Washington DC and part of their show of recent purchases ‘Celebrating Photography’ in 2015/16.
The Rhône Glacier, Switzerland.
On the Furka Pass in Southern Switzerland, there is a small shop that carves an ice grotto into the nearby Rhône glacier and charges tourists to experience inside the blue ice. It has therefore been worth their money attempting to slow the glacier’s retreat. They have invested heavily in a special thermal blanket that has kept about 25m (82ft, in depth) of ice from disappearing, and has kept the ice grotto intact. However, after a few harsh winters on the mountain, the blanket is starting to disintegrate. And unfortunately the method is not scaleable: we cannot do this to all the world’s ice; the gesture is as forlorn and doomed as the glacier itself. There is something insane about trying to reverse the inevitable, it is as if the glacier has wrapped itself in preparation for its own funeral.
Image by Simon Norfolk and Klaus Thymann
The Island of Socotra, Yemen, April 2009
Socotra is a UNESCO World Heritage Site
My guides holding oil lamps inside the Hoq Cave
The Island of Socotra, Yemen, April 2009
Khalaktyrsky Beach. Black sand. In the distance Cape Nalychevo
The Rhône Glacier, Switzerland.
On the Furka Pass in Southern Switzerland, there is a small shop that carves an ice grotto into the nearby Rhône glacier and charges tourists to experience inside the blue ice. It has therefore been worth their money attempting to slow the glacier’s retreat. They have invested heavily in a special thermal blanket that has kept about 25m (82ft, in depth) of ice from disappearing, and has kept the ice grotto intact. However, after a few harsh winters on the mountain, the blanket is starting to disintegrate. And unfortunately the method is not scaleable: we cannot do this to all the world’s ice; the gesture is as forlorn and doomed as the glacier itself. There is something insane about trying to reverse the inevitable, it is as if the glacier has wrapped itself in preparation for its own funeral.
Image by Simon Norfolk and Klaus Thymann
The island of Soqotra, Yemen.
The astonishing white sand beach at Detwah Lagoon near Qalansia (or Qalansiyah).
Saturn V rocket engine
The Compact Muon Solenoid cavern looming up the installation shaft.
The Island of Socotra, Yemen, April 2009
A ‘Desert Rose’ or ‘Bottle Tree’ one of the island’s endemic plants (adenium obesum sokotranum) on the UNESCO World Heritage island of Socotra, Yemen
Astra satelite
Cern., Large Hadron Collider
Glory Trip 197.
An unarmed Minuteman III nuclear missile with a National Nuclear Security Administration experiment on board, is launched from Vandenberg Air Force Base in California. The missile’s single unarmed Re-Entry Vehicle travelled 5250 miles to a target area just off Guam. 22/05/08