
Andrej Tarfila je s fotografijo Cerkev na poljih Sorškega polja zmagal v kategoriji »Potovanje« odprtega tekmovanja največjega mednarodnega fotografskega natečaja na svetu.



Svetovna fotografska organizacija (World Photography Organisation), ki že od leta 2007 organizira največje fotografsko tekmovanje na svetu v sodelovanju z družbo Sony, poimenovano Sony World Photography Awards, je danes razglasila zmagovalce v trinajstih odprtih in mladinskih kategorijah. V kategoriji »Potovanje« odprtega tekmovanja je zmagal Slovenec Andrej Tarfila s fotografijo Cerkev na poljih Sorškega polja.  

V tri posamezna tekmovanja fotografskega natečaja »Sony World Photography Awards«, odprtem, mladinskem ter tekmovanju za profesionalce, je bilo letos uvrščenih rekordnih 230.103 prijavljenih fotografij iz 186 držav, od tega v prvih dveh skupaj 103.005 fotografij, med katerimi so izbrali zmagovalce desetih kategorij odprtega tekmovanja in tri zmagovalce mladinskega tekmovanja, kamor so se lahko prijavili mladi, stari med 12 in 19 let. Zmagovalci prihajajo z vsega sveta, najmlajši pa je star komaj 12 let. Skupini strokovnjakov v žiriji je predsedoval Jael Marschner, nekdanji urednik fotografij v Time Out London/Sunday Times Travel.  O izboru je dejal: »Kakovost fotografij je bila izjemna. Presojati tako izjemne fotografije in jih med seboj primerjati je bila čudovita, a hkrati nemogoča naloga. Upam, da boste uživali v delih zmagovalcev, kot sem užival tudi sam«.


"It all happened on a sleepy Monday autumn morning in the beginning of November. I was driving in the direction of Kranj, the capital of Gorenjska region, which is part of the Slovenian Alpine area. My fleeting glance suddenly caught a marvellous sight. It was a miraculous haze game in the fields which were rushing by the car window. My inner instinct made me turn away from Kranj, to the direction of the hill above the town - Šmarjetna gora. Being under the impression of all the chaos on the road, nervous drivers and all that morning haste, I was overwhelmed by the sight in front of me. I cut off the civilization and plunged into the silence and the light of the rising sun whose rays were shining through the morning haze in Sorško polje. Interweaving of the bluish morning, golden yellow rays, which at that exact moment shone through the landscape, haze and the autumn field created an amazing graphic colour and contrast occurrence, which was captured on the photography. In the background, which is not part of the photographed area, little dots (cars) were rushing to work, not being aware of the miraculous birth of the day which was happening in front of them. Certainly, unaesthetic civilization supplements are usually avoided on landscape photography. However, in spite of the entire idyll, abundantly served by Mother Nature, I was somehow also overwhelmed by the sight of the electric mains, diagonally disappearing in the distance. A robust civilization achievement on varicoloured patches of the field was so mystical, veiled in the early morning haze. Moreover, the church of Saint Ursula in Srednje Bitnje has offered the extra weight to the sight. All the elements were deliberatelly kept in the photography, with the intention of interweaving and linking together to the entirety, which depicts tradition, progress, nature and spirituality. All in all, Sorško polje, located between Kranj and medieval Škofja Loka, offered me a timeless sight which was gratefull

“It all happened on a sleepy Monday autumn morning in the beginning of November. I was driving in the direction of Kranj, the capital of Gorenjska region, which is part of the Slovenian Alpine area. My fleeting glance suddenly caught a marvellous sight. It was a miraculous haze game in the fields which were rushing by the car window.
My inner instinct made me turn away from Kranj, to the direction of the hill above the town – Šmarjetna gora. Being under the impression of all the chaos on the road, nervous drivers and all that morning haste, I was overwhelmed by the sight in front of me. I cut off the civilization and plunged into the silence and the light of the rising sun whose rays were shining through the morning haze in Sorško polje.
Interweaving of the bluish morning, golden yellow rays, which at that exact moment shone through the landscape, haze and the autumn field created an amazing graphic colour and contrast occurrence, which was captured on the photography. In the background, which is not part of the photographed area, little dots (cars) were rushing to work, not being aware of the miraculous birth of the day which was happening in front of them.
Certainly, unaesthetic civilization supplements are usually avoided on landscape photography. However, in spite of the entire idyll, abundantly served by Mother Nature, I was somehow also overwhelmed by the sight of the electric mains, diagonally disappearing in the distance. A robust civilization achievement on varicoloured patches of the field was so mystical, veiled in the early morning haze. Moreover, the church of Saint Ursula in Srednje Bitnje has offered the extra weight to the sight. All the elements were deliberatelly kept in the photography, with the intention of interweaving and linking together to the entirety, which depicts tradition, progress, nature and spirituality.
All in all, Sorško polje, located between Kranj and medieval Škofja Loka, offered me a timeless sight which was gratefull



  • Potovanje – Andrej Tarfila, Slovenija
  • Arhitektura – Filip Wolak, Poljska
  • Umetnost & kultura – Swee Choo Oh, Malezija
  • Povečava – Pedro Díaz Molins, Španija
  • Pridušena svetloba – Kei Nomiyama, Japonska
  • Narava & divje živali – Michaela Šmídová, Češka
  • Panorama – Markus van Hauten, Nemčija
  • Ljudje – Alexandre Meneghini, Brazilija
  • Nasmeh – Alex Ingle, Škotska
  • Trenutek – Chaiyot Chanyam, Tajska



  • Kultura – Sepehr Jamshidi Fard, Iran (17 let)
  • Okolje – Anais Stupka, Italija (12 let)
  • Portreti – Sam Delaware, ZDA (18 let)

Zmagovalec vsake kategorije prejme najnovejšo Sonyjevo digitalno fotografsko opremo, njihove fotografije pa bodo na ogled na razstavi Sony World Photography Awards 2016 v Somerset House v Londonu od 22. aprila do 8. maja in objavljene v knjižni izdaji fotografij s Sonyjevega natečaja (Sony World Photography Awards book).

Navedeni zmagovalci posameznih kategorij tekmovanj medsebojno tekmujejo tudi za naziv fotografa leta; posamezna zmagovalca bosta razglašena na gala slovesnosti Sony World Photography Awards v Londonu 21. aprila. Zmagovalci vseh kategorij se bodo tako zbrali v Londonu, kjer bodo prevzeli svoje nagrade, fotografa leta pa bosta prejela še po 5.000 ameriških dolarjev. Prav tako bodo 21. aprila razglašeni tudi zmagovalci v 14 profesionalnih kategorijah (»Professional«) in fotograf leta v tej konkurenci.

Predsednik komisije kategorij »Open« Jael Marschne je ob razglasitvi zmagovalcev kategorij dejal: »Fotografija je binarna nadarjenost. Združuje konceptualno umetnost s tehničnim znanjem in s tehnološkim napredkom neprestano napreduje, dostopna je vsakomur. Kot predsednik izbirne komisije sem imel čast biti vključen v izbiro veliko različnih fotografij in imel sem privilegij  dneve in dneve gledati prelepe fotografije iz vsega sveta. Raznolikost kategorij ponuja neomejen obseg tematik, tlakuje pot vrsti fotografskih slogov in tehnik, zaradi česar je bilo moje delo zelo prijetno. Kakovost fotografij je bila izjemna, moje delo pa težje, kot sem kdajkoli predstavljal, da sem izbral najljubše.«

Scott Gray, generalni direktor World Photography Organisation, dodaja: »Spodbujanje in podpiranje fotografov je bistvo fotografskega natečaja Sony World Photography Awards. Nikjer to ni bolj očitno kot v kategorijah odprtega in mladinskega tekmovanja, v katerih se osredotočamo na prepoznavanje in spodbujanje amaterskih in navdušenih fotografov.«